A.M.A. Creative Products: Turning Ideas into Manifestation

Finding the Ja with-in

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It all starts with an idea-(369). Creating from with-in.

A.M.A. Creative Products is introducing our first line of products with our Helmet of Ascension & Helmet of Salvation energy frequency hats. The art of manifestation with tree frequencies.

A.M.A. represents the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt constellation NGC 4.2 (V).

Alnitak*4hz - Mintaka*14hz - Alnilam*30hz known though-out the cosmos as brainwave frequencies.


Finding the (Ja) with-in. (know thy self,)

Learning how to set your attention on your intentions with our energy frequency hats. Our process will enable you to create from a spiritual and galactic way. Tree frequency manifestation is creating from the I AM perspective.

Create from with-in!

Pure Thought Energy-(PTE).

Brainwave and codes frequencies are in constant movement. Create from with-in!

New collection.

Our Helmet of Ascension & Helmet of Salvation ball caps along with our I Am accessories are designed to elevate your style and energy All of our hats and accessories are crafted with care and attention to incorporate brainwave frequencies to help you manifest your intentions and connect with your I Am.




Brand Name: H.O.A. - Helmet of Ascension

Our "I Am" tree frequency hats are designed to help you direct your energy on purpose to manifest what you desire and intentions.

Brainwave Frequencies Hats:

  • Alpha-1A/8hz

  • Alpha-mini/12hz

  • Beta-mini/14hz

  • OB1-1A/30hz

Finding the (Ja) within. Take control of your mind!

I Am Shop

3 to 5 minutes of meditation twice a day from the tree of life frequency will keep you grounded in your intentions.

Join us Truth Seekers!

This tree is dedicated to my father James P. Robinson II 1-26-1930 to 8-24-2023 @5:15pm, Your vibration will always be with me father. I love you!

Helmet of Salvation & Helmet of Ascension Inserts will direct your Intentions - Pure Thought Energy-(PTE)

Helmet of Salvation & Helmet of Ascension Inserts will direct your Intentions - Pure Thought Energy-(PTE)

A.M.A. Creative products are featuring the best quality hat’s that will give our customer’s a stylish look and a commitment to find a spiritual & galactic way on focusing their attention on your intention for a more direct course of creativity with purpose. Write your intentions with positive language to activate a direct course to be successful. We have integrated a unique way for you to ground your intention with our

H.O.A.& H.O.S. Inserts.

Pure Thought Energy - (PTE)

A.M.A. Creative Products grow hats with natures frequencies to help manifest your Intentions.

Brainwave Frequencies

Beta 4hz-13hz, Alpha 14-29hz, OB1 30-100hz

The I Am perspective.

I Am Store

Discover the magic of our brand

Unveil the story behind our brand and let your creativity flow like never before. The ( I Am ) product line and its hats are not just a fashion statement; it's a symbol of self-expression crafted to make you look and feel exceptional from with-in.

Click the (LEARN MORE) button below and discover the frequencies that are with-in you and ready to activate at the speed of thought for your highest GOOD. Click the link below and find the vibration your brain frequency resonates with.

H.O.A. & H.O.S. Inserts

Our Setting Your Intention Insert is the magic of our brand. Learn our 4-step method to setting your intentions and manifesting your desires into form.

Learn about our HOA/HOS Hat Inserts.

  • It all starts with an IDEA! (369)

    Writing your intention on the insert with positive language in a very direct way, will activate an energy field with-in the confine of your hat or the crown/DOM.

    Personal Spiritual Ascension

    Note: @ this stage of our awareness, we are experiencing a newness of self, and this is the time we become the observer of our emotions and the expressions of self from those emotions.

    (Very critical process!)

    Your (I Am) perspective will create a deeper resonance of knowing who you really are. Allow yourself to see your thoughts from your higher mind. The crown chakra has a higher mind that you can tap into for a direct source of consciousness of being your I Am.

    Finding the Ja with-in

    HOA Step1. Listening to sounds of awareness & beingness from your (I Am) perspective is very important.


    Through meditation! There are many different forms of meditation, chose one that resonates with your energetic field of being. The amount of time you give to your meditation will determine the depth of your (DTE)-Direct Thought Energy.

    HOA Step2. Start by grounding your intention & emotions with using tree frequency vibrations.


    Start spending time with nature and find a tree that you resonate with and hangout with if for at least 3 weeks and at least 4 times a week. Log your time and experiences you feel spending the time with the tree and apart from it as well. Become the observer mode of your emotions and how your respond to them.

    HOA Step3. Repetition will strengthen & affirm your intention to manifest that idea into a physical form.


    By directing your DTE with the frequencies you brought forth from your intention will bring back exactly with you have decreed to be form from the nothingness, which is called the ether.

    It all starts in the center of our minds, from the (I Am) perspective.

  • It all starts with an IDEA! (369)

    Writing your intention on the insert with positive language in a very direct way, will activate an energy field with-in the confine of your hat or the crown/DOM.

    (Career & Business)

    Note: Starting a new career or building a business starts from visualizing your idea in its full entirety as an individual or a startup business. That begins forms in the center of your mind.

    Structure those ideas in great detail from an energetic perspective. This is when you are able to design a pattern of thought with a DTE pathway and guide your energy into motion with precision. Begin seeking knowledge that will bring form to your idea. Become an expert in your field and always stay teachable. Craft your idea from the (I Am) perspective, and that unique idea will be realized as being successful.

    Finding the Ja with-in

    HOA Step1. Listening to sounds of awareness & beingness from your (I Am) perspective is very important.


    Through meditation! There are many different forms of meditation, chose one that resonates with your energetic field of being. The amount of time you give to your meditation will determine the depth of your (DTE)-direct thought energy.

    HOA Step2. Start by grounding your intention & emotions with using tree frequency vibrations.


    Start by spending time in nature and find a tree that you resonate with and hangout with it for at least 3 weeks and at least 4 times a week. Log your time and experiences what you feel spending time with that tree and the time you are apart from it.

    Become the observer of your emotions and how your respond to them.

    HOA Step3. Repetition will strengthen & affirm your intention to manifest your idea into a physical form.


    By directing your DTE with the frequencies you brought forth from your intention will bring back exactly with you have decreed to be form from the nothingness, which is called the ether.

    It all starts in the center of our minds, from the (I Am) perspective.

  • It all starts with an IDEA! (369)

    Writing your intention on the insert with positive language in a very direct way, will activate an energy field with-in the confine of your hat or the crown/DOM.

    2Getherness Salvation Insert

    Note: Creating an organization with different types of personalities is a challenging process to take on in 2025.

    HOS/HOA inserts have developed a way to bring those challenging personalities into alignment so that the attention and focus stays on the principal intent of the group.

    When there is a defined principle to the intent that vision can be brought into play as we walk in unison to achieve that goal in our 2Getherness.

    Guiding our (DTE)-direct thought energy with a frequency that will bring form to that intent. Writing positive languages with high frequencies will bring expression to a mission statement so that all parties involve will be able to transmute any negative energies or expression of negativity that may come from within or outside of the group or organization structure.

    When everyone is operating from there (I Am) perspective as a unified group and working in harmony. Every endeavor can be possible for that group!

    Community building is very rewarding and also very hard work for the collective. Make sure you are emotionally balanced before taking on this huge responsibility.

    Finding the Ja with-in

    HOS Step1. Listening to sounds of awareness & beingness from your (I Am) perspective.


    Through meditation. There are many different forms of meditation, chose one that resonates with your energetic field of being. The amount of time you give to your meditation will determine the depth of your (DTE)-direct thought energy.

    HOS Step2. Start by grounding your intention & emotions with using tree frequency vibrations. Create a process so that the group can participate in gathering together beneath a tree to help ground that intention in a holistic way.


    Start by spending time in nature and find a tree that you resonate with and hangout with it for at least 3 weeks and at least 4 times a week. Log your time and experiences what you feel spending time with that tree and the time you are apart from it.

    Become the observer mode of your emotions and how your respond to them.

    HOS Step3. Repetition will strengthen & affirm your intention to manifest the idea into a physical form.


    By directing your DTE with the frequencies you brought forth from your intention will bring back exactly with you have decreed to be form from the nothingness, which is called the ether.

    It all starts in the center of our minds, from the (I Am) perspective.

It all starts with an idea!

It all starts with an idea, (369). Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is A.M.A. Creative Products is looking forward to co-creating with individuals who are willing to build with reverence and in an authentic way. We are excited to do business in 2024 and the years to come. Creating from our higher selves!

The I Am perspective.

Truth Seekers join us! Learning how to think.

Know thyself,

There are keys to the universe that can be found by man building massive spacecrafts to search for profound knowledge throughout the cosmos. However, the simplest and most powerful source of knowledge & energy that exist in all things can be found from with-in. This combined formular of the (I Am) is a source of energy and frequencies that can only be found from the I Am perspective.

I Am

Facebook link#2 - Nicola Tesla video provided by Nicole Johnson

Footnote By Michael Robinson a Spiritual & Galactic helpers we must all do

the footwork to activate your .

How? Pen, paper & meditation.

Know thyself!.



The Galactic I Am Creators Group.

The Galactic I Am Creators Group.

Finding the Ja with-in artwork. I Am!

Finding the Ja with-in artwork. I Am!

(I Am hat) 4 Step method of

Tree Frequency Manifestation


  • It all starts with an idea. Allow your thoughts to have no limitations and imagine what that idea will feel, look, and become when using your (PTE) pure thought energy from the source of all universal intelligence. Let your idea marinate with-in the mind space of your I Am hat.

    Pure Thought Energy. (PTE)

    The I Am is a universal key. (369)

    Turn that key towards action and manifest your idea with (PTE) to fully show a formula and pattern of creation in a quantitative way, that you will be able to bring forth your idea in it's true essence.

    This method will be creating a belief in your idea to feel, touch and hold. This is what we call (PTE) wave forms.

    (Visualization of the mind.)

    I-126.904hz + Am-243.061hz = (369) means to my (I Am) that I can now create without limitations because I have found a key to being and becoming. so, I can activate my I Am.

  • Most of us know this method of grounding. If not, hang on its ok we have plenty of time to learn this step.

    Grounding is a very powerful method, and I did not give enough attention to this principle in the past when creating from with-in. The key function for structuring my idea from with-in was using Tree Frequency Manifestation (TMF) for grounding and creating my idea with a specific intention in mind. That will formulate how to direct my energy in the moment I have fully FELT all the abundance that will come from my energetic expression of that idea.

    I have learned how to hangout with a tree and sense the vibrations of tree frequencies and wave forms from trees that can move and pulled you into a deeper grounding to balance your heart emotions. This allows me to set my attention on my intentions before leaving the shores of ideas in my mind’s eye.

    This has set forth the foundation for creating a belief system in which I have become what I have created and set an unshakable tree frequency manifestation-(TFM) foundation.

    Find a tree and ground!

    "Really hangout!”

    Spend time listening and meditating with that tree until you begin to respond to the tree energetic field. You will FEEL IT!

    You can create an amazing relationship with your higher self-when going deeper into you I Am.

  • Step 3: Setting your Intentions

    This method is vitally important to draw a clear pathway to success. I found myself in prayer and meditation to become more directive in setting my intentions. I have also stayed in meditation to stay openminded and allow balance in how I think about my thoughts, so that I maintain balance in my emotions.

    Then allowing my energy of thought to flow into that object which has been given to me so I can bring forth into my 3D dimensional world of creation.

    (Remembering that I Am creating from the I Am perspective.)

    Here is where I want to stay focus and set my attention on my intentions by writing down my intentions on the H.O.A. or H.O.S. hat inserts in positive language to create a high energy grid within my I Am hat, of that idea.

    (I Am hatting space/DOME.)

    This method has also allowed me to make sure my intention is grounded with a direct source of pure thought energy (PTE) and set my intention on a direct course of action.

    Now I am able to be guided by this universal intelligence, which I call source or my soul to find the knowledge of creating my imagined idea.

    Knowing that I have found the Ja with-in, this is where I begin creating & directing from the I Am perspective of pure thought energy. (PTE)

    (PTE) This is the catalyst for overstanding the I Am creator that is within and not without.

    Setting my Intention:____

    Write your intention with positive language and your (DTE) direct thought energy.

    YOU become the cause and set the course of the effect you want!

  • This method is where the fun begins with knowing that I can now see everything that I have imagined and the idea that I have created in my mind's eye without traveling a single mile and without limitations.

    Now that I have set my attention on my intention knowing exactly where (I Am) pointing my direct thought energy (DTE).

    I have now set the course in my mind and my hearts mind as well with a belief from which I have crafted from the tools & mechanisms that has been given to me from an all-intelligent mind and source to set my own pattern of thought.

    (I Am,) or (369)

    Note: I Am becoming what I Am about to manifest into a tangible form of matter.

    I have only traveled to the (Ja) with-in to observe the beliefs that I have crafted from my (PTE) and observing all things in their natural state of being, in and around me.

    Now that you have created your idea into a physical form, and you have reconditioned your thought patterns to form methods of thinking differently about manifesting what you want! Believing & knowing who you are is the starting point to create from the I Am perspective. I Am hats hope you will find as a clear cut 4step method of manifestation by using our tree frequency manifestation process to create the world you want.

    This method has worked for me and changed my life in ways I have yet to imagine. We at AMA CREATIVE PRODUCTS hope you will resonate with our 4step method and elevate your mind and ascend to your pure thought energy. (PTE)

    I Am a Creator!


    I Am a Sovereign Human Being!

    Stay connected to your Helmet of Ascension hats and Helmet of Salvation hats and create from the (I Am) perspective.

the Cause & the Effects of the outcome in my life.

When Moses asked the most high. who shall I say who sent me. To answer that question go to Exodus: 3:13-15. Truth seekers will research.

Stay Connected to our

(I Am) newsletter.

Join us, Truth Seekers!

A Community of Spiritual & Galactic star seeds. Grounding with tree frequencies.

A Community of Spiritual & Galactic star seeds. Grounding with tree frequencies.

AMA hats are designed to elevate your brainwave frequencies and to help you facilitate a starting point to create from a more balanced - I Am perspective.

(Alpha-1A/4hz, Alpha-M1/12hz, Beta 1A/14HZ, OB1-1A/30hz)

Join us Truth Seekers!

*numbers are defined as (hz)*

AMACP wants to join hands with you so we can help change interactions between the medical marijuana patient and local state, & federal law enforcement agencies. For the majority of medical marijuana patients our medical conditions and illnesses are not always visible by the naked eye.

We want to be seen as patients first. So, we like to thank all of you for your understanding, for those of you who are friends and family members of the MMA community. We all need each other’s support to make a positive change.

“Let’s solve this together’




I Am a Medical Marijuana Patient!

Let’s create a (MMP) community together and build a support system that will help us all move towards less regulations on how we purchase our LEGAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA and how we are treated as patients. We are Medical Marijuana Patients. Let’s grow that frequency together.

Thank you,

Signed: a spiritual & galactic I Am helper.